Teach First Portal guidance for schools
This section provides information for school staff on how to use the Teach First Portal.
- What is the Teach First Portal?
Our new self-service website for schools replaces the ‘school portal’ used in the past. The portal allows single schools and multi-academy trusts to express an interest in any Teach First programme, raise vacancy requests, accept and review trainee teacher matches for our teacher development programmes, as well as nominate programme members for our school leadership programmes.
Please note: the new portal launched in February 2022 and is still in beta. This means we’ve released it with basic functionality and will update it over time. This approach allows us to make fundamental back-end upgrades first and improve on these iteratively, informed by your real-world usage and feedback. It also means that the site won’t work exactly as you want straight away – rest assured that we’re working on this.
If you have suggestions to improve the portal, please raise them with your Teach First contact.
How can I log in to the Teach First Portal?
It’s possible you already have a log-in for the portal. If so, you can log in immediately.
If you’re not sure, visit the login page, enter your email address, and select “Forgot your password”. You’ll receive a password reset link if you have an existing account.
If you don’t have an existing account, complete an online expression of interest and this will create an account for you. Once you’ve created an account, we’ll get to work on finding out what your school’s needs are.
How to use the Teach First Portal
- What can I use the portal for?
A a member of school staff, you can:
- express an interest in any or all of our programmes (video tutorial)
- request a Training Programme trainee teacher for your school
- accept a Training Programme trainee teacher for your school (video tutorial)
- nominate someone in your school for the Training Programme
- nominate a programme member for the Early Career Framework
- nominate a programme member to apply for National Professional Qualifications, the Careers Leader Programme and/or Leading Together (video tutorial for Leading Together)
- check your school’s eligibility for our programmes
- add a school to your school list
- update your school contacts and their details
- update support role details (mentors, programme leads e.g., ECF lead, SLT lead)
- add another school to your school list
- update your school contacts
- update support roles (mentors, SLT lead, ECF lead)
- Video tutorials
Teach First portal – how to submit interests for our programme
How to submit an interest for one of our programmes.
Teach First portal – how to accept a Training Programme trainee teacher
How to accept a Training Programme trainee teacher to your school, including viewing their CV and signing the contract.
Teach First portal - how to nominate programme members for Leading Together
How to nominate one or more programme members for the Leading Together programme.
Looking for support?
Complete this quick form and we’ll get back to you.