What happens on the Training Programme

Find out what happens when you train to teach on our two-year, fully funded teacher training programme.

Programme duration

Two years.

Before you start in the classroom

Before you start in the classroom, you'll get your initial training at the Institute.

It's designed to give you the core skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a teacher.

During the Institute you’ll:

  • get high-quality training that gives you the knowledge and skills needed to set you up for success
  • meet your Teach First Development Lead, who will support with your training on the programme
  • have subject-specific training
  • and lots more

Your first year

From day one you'll be in the classroom, starting with 80% of a fully qualified teacher's timetable (60% for primary and early years).

Plus, you’ll earn at least the basic salary for an unqualified teacher. See more about what you'll earn.

You’ll spend most of your time in school, but also attend training days and conferences.

You’ll build your knowledge of teaching theory, get more practical training and, no doubt, swap a load of stories with other trainees.

Throughout the programme you’ll be supported, trained and assessed by a Teach First expert, a mentor at your school and a university tutor.   

Once you complete your first year on the programme, you’ll have qualified teacher status (QTS) and have completed your postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE).

The summer holidays

Take a work placement with one of our supporter organisations such as Accenture, The Bright Ideas Challenge, The Lord Mayor's Appeal and Citi.

It’s optional, but there’s lots in it for you:

  • Experience a different sector to help you clarify your career goals.
  • See how leadership skills you’re building in school are valued in other workplaces.
  • Hone those skills so you go back to class an even better teacher.

Your second year

Now you'll be an early career teacher (ECT), so your salary will go up to at least £25,900.

You’ll be teaching a fuller timetable and may have the opportunity to further build your leadership credentials with responsibilities such as:

  • becoming a subject or year leader
  • mentoring pupils as they think about what to do after school
  • running a club that helps pupils aim higher and achieve more

We’ll still be there supporting you alongside your school through training days, conferences and one-to-one support

After the Training Programme

Continue progressing at your school, apply for jobs in other schools or explore completely different sectors.

On top of that, you’ll be a Teach First ambassador and part of our 18,000+-strong ambassador network. That means there are thousands of people just like you who’ve been through the programme and are working to create a fairer education system. They’re a close-knit, supportive bunch who are always happy to help.

More about the Training Programme

Ready to apply?

Applications are now open for limited subjects and teaching locations.

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