Image of Amy Mitchell
Amy Mitchell
Chief Impact Officer, Teach First

Empowering leaders: Highlights from our NPQ Ofsted report

I’m delighted to share that Teach First has been rated outstanding by Ofsted in all areas, for our National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) programmes.

We know that great teaching is what makes the biggest difference to pupils. We also know that great leadership is what makes the biggest difference to teachers.

Our NPQs support leaders to succeed in role and to be prepared for the next step, helping build the pipeline of leaders we need as a sector.

At Teach First, we're pleased to be one of a select group of national providers to design, deliver and assess the full suite of NPQs, supporting leaders across specialisms and up to all levels of leadership in schools.

Teach First works with 28 teaching school hubs and multi-academy trusts (known as delivery partners) across the country, delivering NPQs to over 7,000 programme members.

It is in partnerships with these hubs and trusts that we have been able to deliver such amazing results, and we look forward to continuing to deliver high-quality training to teachers and leaders, which in turn benefits the children facing the biggest barriers to success.

Championing schools, transforming communities

Our recent NPQ inspection marks our third outstanding Ofsted rating since March 2023, with our Early Careers Framework (ECF) and our Training Programme (both primary and secondary phases) also securing outstanding in all areas following the most recent inspections.

These ratings represent just one of the many pieces of evidence we can use to demonstrate the high quality of provision across all Teach First programmes.

I am personally delighted, and so proud of all of the work that goes into this quality provision across colleagues, partners and participants on our programmes.

All three reports recognise that our vision for every child to fulfil their potential is at the core of everything we do, for example:

  • “Leaders place tackling disadvantage at the heart of the decisions they make about key aspects of training.” (ECF Ofsted report, March 2023)
  • “Trainees’ education and training are underpinned by a focus on high ambition for all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged.” (Training Programme Ofsted report, July 2023)

Our recent NPQ inspection highlights this, with the report stating, “[Leaders] use their NPQ programmes as a vehicle to tackle the barriers to educational equality in the schools that they work with. This core vision underpins all aspects of NPQ delivery.”

I would like to acknowledge the hard work of my team and our partners that allowed us to achieve these amazing results across NPQs, ECF and our Training Programme.  Thank you.

Supporting teachers at every level of their career

Our NPQs equip leaders with the knowledge and expertise to make a real difference in their school. They provide the opportunity to refresh and fill gaps in knowledge and allow for different levels of prior experience.

The Ofsted report highlights how “Leaders’ [at Teach First] work is highly effective, with participants skilfully supported to apply salient educational theories and principles, both in their current roles and in readiness for future careers.”

Our NPQs are also increasing capacity for implementing strategic change in these schools.

Our recent NPQ survey showed that 93% of programme members working in schools with a high proportion of pupils experiencing poverty are better able to implement a strategy in school after completing the programme (Teach First’s NPQ 2b endpoint survey).

Empowering leaders

Together with our delivery partners, we focus on helping our programme members build their expertise, grow their capacity, and make an impact within their schools.

The report highlights that “participants flourish in confidence and competence when implementing and influencing positive change in their schools or settings.”

The report also emphasises how participants emerge from their NPQ programme with “the confidence and knowledge to become highly impactful leaders and practitioners in schools.”

Evidence from our latest NPQ survey supports this, with 90% of programme members saying their NPQ had prepared them to take on a role with more leadership.

What’s more, one third of our programme members were promoted to a role with more leadership responsibilities during their NPQ (Teach First’s NPQ 2b endpoint survey).

Strong partnership with fantastic delivery partners

Integral to the success of the programme is our delivery partners who share our values and focus in supporting pupils facing the greatest challenges to reach their potential.

The report highlights, “Delivery partners must not only demonstrate expertise in NPQ curriculum content, but also have the same unwavering commitment to challenging educational disadvantage and securing the best possible outcomes for vulnerable pupils.”

The value we place on our delivery partners’ in-depth local knowledge and expertise is borne out in the report, “Facilitators are highly skilled experts in their fields. They deftly adapt seminar and conference materials to meet participants’ individual needs and contexts.”

We want to thank programme members, facilitators, delivery partner leads, headteachers and sponsors who took time to provide feedback via the Ofsted survey and to speak to the inspectors. We really do appreciate your support.

Read the full Ofsted report (PDF).

A long-term commitment

Following changes to the funding of NPQs by the previous government and the increased challenges teaching staff are facing, we know there is a lot of work to do.

We are continually campaigning for change. Our vision is for every child to fulfil their potential and we believe that starts with a great education.

That is why we warmly welcome the focus on education from the new Government, including establishing a right to Continuous Professional Development for teachers. We hope to see a long-term commitment to supporting the NPQ programmes, ensuring the continuation of this vital leadership training.

Read our general election manifesto to learn more.

Be part of a movement

Teach First is more than a training provider and we need you to help us make a difference.

There are many ways you can get involved.

Interested in NPQs?

If you’d like to be a part of our NPQ offering, either by partnering with us or registering for one of our programmes, visit the NPQs page to learn more.

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