Completing the Situational Judgement Test
Find out what's expected when you complete the situational judgement test for the Teach First Training Programme.
Within the application form, you will be asked to complete a Situational Judgement Test. This has been designed to give you a preview of life as a Teach First trainee. It will present you with scenarios that teachers encounter and potential responses to these.
You don’t need any prior knowledge of teaching to complete the test. We’re looking to understand how you would typically respond to each scenario. For each question you will need to analyse the situation and weigh up the appropriateness of each suggested response.
It’s not possible to prepare for the test; just choose your response based on the information provided. There isn’t only one right way to respond – we are not looking for one particular type of person. What makes schools work are the different teachers and variety of approaches. The best advice we can give is to be yourself and be honest.
It is not a timed test but you will need to complete it in one sitting. Take time to read and fully understand each scenario and the possible responses.
Experiencing technical difficulties with your Situational Judgement Test?
First, try these steps:
- Close all browser windows and open a fresh one.
- Open the Situational Judgement Test in a new browser.
- Check the speed of your internet connection: if your internet connection is slow, website pages can be slow to load and will eventually ‘time out’.
Ready to apply?
Applications to join our 2024 Training Programme are open.