A brand new NPQ designed for new, existing and aspiring SENCOs and those who want to understand what underpins successful SEND leadership.
Our first intake will commence in autumn 2024 and this programme replaces the NASENCO qualification.
- Grow your expertise as a leader of SEND.
- Create a culture where pupils with SEND can thrive.
- Access training rated outstanding by Ofsted.
- Learn about the statutory framework for SEND.
- Opportunities for free 1:1 support and coaching.
- DfE funding will target teachers and leaders serving schools in more deprived communities.
Deepen your understanding of what makes an effective SENCO.
Grow your expertise as a leader of SEND
Broaden your leadership knowledge and develop expertise across specialist areas, such as the identification of SEND, as well as leading and managing provision.
Create a culture where pupils with SEND can thrive
Learn how to establish and sustain a supportive culture where everyone feels welcome, safe and that they belong.
Access training rated outstanding by Ofsted
Equip yourself with the knowledge and expertise to make a real difference in your school.
Learn about the statutory framework for SEND
Develop confidence to give statutory guidance and ensure that school policies and practices take account of the relevant legislation.
Develop effective working partnerships
Explore approaches to working collaboratively with colleagues, families, external agencies and specialists.
Free one-to-one support and coaching
If you work in a school serving disadvantaged communities, you can apply for our free one-to-one support which runs alongside the NPQ for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (NPQ for SENCOs).
This free support comes in the form of an experienced former school leader with strategic SEND experience who will coach and guide you throughout the programme.
Your delivery partner will confirm how you can be nominated for this support offer.
On-going support through seminars and professional networks
Share experiences with other school leaders and experienced SENCOs.
Learn how they’ve faced similar challenges and build a professional network that will support you throughout your career.
A proven track record, from previous programme members
Findings from our latest survey showed 99% of our programme members undertaking a Leadership NPQ were very satisfied or satisfied, and 93% rate the programme quality as good or better.
Interested in an NPQ?
Applications are now open for our April intake.
Need more information about NPQs?

Is the NPQ for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (NPQ for SENCOs) for me?
This programme is aimed at existing SENCOs, school leaders or those interested in developing expertise in SEND or becoming a SENCO in the future.
You’ll be passionate about working with pupils with SEND and keen to develop your leadership skills to create an environment where all pupils can thrive.
The NPQ for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (NPQ for SENCOs) replaces the NASENCO qualification.
How does the NPQ for SENCOs work?
This programme consists of a series of courses based on the DfE’s NPQ frameworks.
It’s delivered over 18 months, and you’ll then complete a summative assessment within a fixed eight-day window. This will be marked and moderated and your result confirmed within three months.
Each course cycle features:
- evidence-based online content to refresh and build knowledge, as well as show what this looks like in your context
- a formative assessment task to support your learning
- online seminars with a group of peers, facilitated by an experienced school leader and SENCO. You’ll analyse and reflect on the task and hear further examples of good practice
- the opportunity to record reflections and consolidate learning
This cycle repeats throughout the programme, with opportunities to consider implementation in every module.
It features discrete learning early on, focused specifically on the theory and practice behind effective implementation.
This will help you to apply key learning throughout the programme and plan a strategic improvement focused on your context and pupils.
There will also be ongoing support through seminar groups and a discussion forum.
What will I learn?
You'll develop essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin successful SEND leadership within a school.
Throughout the programme, you will work alongside other leaders to build a school culture in which pupils with SEND can:
- participate meaningfully in the full life of the school
- achieve ambitious outcomes
- make successful transitions to their next steps
Modules include:
- How to develop an inclusive culture
- The identification and assessment of SEND
- Understanding and implementation of statutory SEND legislation
- A focus on working in partnership with leaders, families and external agencies
Our content is informed by a strong and up to date evidence base, developed with input from practising SENCOs and inclusion experts such as the National Association for Special Educational Needs (nasen).
Our programmes have a practical focus. You’ll be supported to understand what makes an effective SENCO and the operational and strategic role you play or will play once in post.
Find out more about the DfE’s NPQ for SENCOs content framework:
What are the training commitments?
The course consists of 10 modules. Each module involves approximately 4 hours of independent study, followed by an online seminar where you will discuss your learning with peers and experienced SEN leaders.
You will also attend two conferences and complete visits to different settings.
How will I be assessed?
To get your NPQ accreditation, you’ll need to complete the course and pass a written assessment (between 1,500 and 2,500 words).
Interested in an NPQ?
Applications are now open for our April intake.
Need more information about NPQs?

DfE scholarship funding
A limited number of DfE scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from state-funded schools and state-funded organisations that offer 16 to 19 places in England for the NPQ for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (NPQ for SENCOs).
For further information, guidance and to check if your setting is eligible for scholarship funding, please see the information on funding for NPQs on the GOV.UK website.
The cost for someone who is not accessing a funded place is £1,265 plus VAT.
Interested in an NPQ?
Applications are now open for our April intake.
Need more information about NPQs?

Am I eligible to apply for an NPQ?
To apply for an NPQ, applicants must have:
- full support from their school/organisation, as confirmed via a written agreement.
- Teacher Reference Number (TRN)
- relevant experience, as detailed under the 'Our Programmes' section of the website.
Is my school or organisation eligible for funding?
You may be able to get your NPQ course fees paid for by the Department for Education (DfE). This is called scholarship funding. You do not need to apply for it.
When you register for an NPQ, DfE will tell you if you are eligible for funding.
How can I apply?
Applications are now open for our April intake.
Need more information about NPQs?

Leaders have explicitly woven the principles of inclusion, diversity and equality through all NPQ programmes.