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Future Terms: an education panel series

Explore insights from our past education panel series, shaping the future of fairer schools.

Future Terms panel archive featuring expert discussions on education

Recorded between 2020-2022, you can catch up on our half-termly online discussions with education experts, tackling critical issues shaping the future of our schools.

Each session explored challenges and ideas to build a fairer education system, with opportunities for audience Q&A.

Although we have no future panels scheduled, get in touch with us if you would like to collaborate.

You can also read our latest blogs for more educational insights.


Under pressure: how can school leaders manage their wellbeing while tackling tough decisions?

This panel aired on 1 December 2022

Listen to the series on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

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School leaders face hard decisions every day – with the last few years on another scale altogether. From responding to the demands caused by a global pandemic, to budgeting for skyrocketing energy bills – the impact of decision making in schools can leave leaders feeling overwhelmed. And for schools serving the poorest communities, the pressures can weigh even heavier. 

In this panel, we’ll discuss the risks of getting things right or wrong for the people and communities we care about. When the stakes are so high, what can leaders do to manage their personal wellbeing and what support is out there to help them make the big calls? 


Clare Watson-Spence – Achievement Partner at Teach First


  • Jonny Uttley – CEO of The Education Alliance, Yorkshire
  • Francisca Overare-Olabisi – Assistant Principal at Oasis Academy, Oldham
  • Laura Fordham – Associate Deputy Headteacher at Bedford Academy.

Factors affecting learning: why we must consider the whole child

This panel aired on Thursday 14 July 2022

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In the wake of the pandemic and its disruption to education, the connection between learning and the social, emotional and physical development of children has been clearly highlighted. We need to consider how our education system can support the development and wellbeing of all children and young people. Children simply cannot learn as effectively if they are suffering with poor mental health, or without space to learn social skills and develop emotional regulation.

In this Future Terms panel, we’ll discuss the great work schools are doing already to support whole child development, and what extra backing is needed to give every young person the rounded education they deserve.


Sarah Shreeve - Head of Early Years and Primary at Teach First.


  • Jenny Griffiths - Education Research Specialist at Teach First
  • Sabrina Hummel - Senior Researcher at Centre for Social Justice
  • Peter Leonard - Chief Executive at Family Links: The Centre for Emotional Health
  • Rhoda McPherson - Headteacher at Queen Elizabeth School
Flex, please: How can teachers achieve a better work-life balance?

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This panel aired on Thursday 19 May 2022

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Hands up if you work in a school and want better work-life balance? While flexible or remote working has become the norm for many professionals since COVID-19, it's rarer to see the same opportunities available for school staff.

In this Future Terms panel, we explored how the education sector could improve the wellbeing and retention of teachers. From reducing teaching timetables to remote learning, from part-time hours to online parents’ evenings, our expert speakers will discuss the solutions that could make a positive and practical difference to the working lives of educators. Because, when teachers thrive, pupils thrive.


Lorraine HalfordCo-chair of the Working Families Affinity Group at Teach First


  • Amy BrookesCo-founder of the Shared Headship Network and Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning at Lynn Grove Academy
  • Lucy HelanCo-founder of the Shared Headship Network and Assistant Vice Principal at Greig City Academy
  • Lindsay PatienceCo-founder of Flexible Teacher Talent and part-time teacher at Putney High School
  • Jennifer WebbAssistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, and Research Lead at Trinity Academy Cathedral
  • Jack WorthLead Economist at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Can children be what they can't see? Why representation matters in schools

This panel aired on Thursday 24 March 2022.

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All children should be able to relate to – and feel inspired by – the adults around them. School staff provide some of our earliest adult role models. Yet to give one example, almost half of schools in England still don’t have any ethnic minority teachers.

The issue of diversity in our country's classrooms is about more than race alone. Children can also benefit from access to a wide variety of role models with lived experiences of the issues related to neurodiversity, disability, LGBTQ+, gender and socio-economic background.

In this Future Terms event, we explored why authentic representation is so vital in schools. A panel of experts shared their experiences of inclusivity in the education sector, and discuss why recruiting a diverse workforce is only one small step in making the system work for every child. 


Jenny Mannion-Krase - Programme Welfare and Access Manager at Teach First


  • Dominic Carnall - CEO at Just Like Us
  • Adrian Rollins - Deputy Head of School at Nottingham University Samworth Academy (NUSA)
  • Anuradha Roy - Digital Learning Coordinator at University of the Arts London
Future calling: Does work experience need reinventing to mirror our evolving working world?

This panel aired on Thursday 3 February 2022.

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Work experience is a rite of passage for all teenagers, but is it adapting in sync with the modern world of work? In our next Future Terms event, join experts from education and business as they examine whether young people are being effectively prepared for the job prospects that await them.

Is there a smarter way for schools and employers to prepare young people for their professional futures? And could a reimagined approach to work experience for Generation Z and beyond finally give every young person a fighting chance to find the right career path for them?


Graihagh Crashaw - Director of School Leadership at Teach First


  • Oli de Botton - Chief Executive at The Careers and Enterprise Company
  • Swati Patel - Social Impact and Partnerships Manager at Sunbelt Rentals
  • Simon Wareham - Senior Leader (Student Progression) at Southmoor Academy


Levelling up our education system: should the government rethink pupil premium?

This panel aired on Thursday 9 December 2021.

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Can a price ever be put on making our education system work for every child? The government has announced its ambitions around 'levelling up'. But what will it mean for schools and educators, and should we be pushing them to re-imagine what pupil premium could look like?

As well as dissecting how schools could benefit from additional funding to level the playing field, this Future Terms panel event will explore what else the government could do to support pupils in disadvantaged communities. Join this online discussion to dive deeper into the big questions around the future of pupil premium.


Marc Newall - Policy Manager at Teach First


  • Rachel Arthur - Head of Computing at Teach First
  • Sam Freedman - Senior Adviser at Ark Schools; Senior Fellow at Institute for Government
  • Hussein Hussein - CEO at Cape Mentors
  • Fozia Ramzan - Federated Deputy Head Teacher at St Stephen’s Primary School
Golden rules: why some schools lead the way in managing behaviour

This panel aired on Thursday 11 November 2021.

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No school has perfect behaviour all the time. But what makes some secondary schools stand out when it comes to pupil behaviour? Is 'no excuses' the answer or is restorative justice the best approach? And most importantly, what affects schools in disadvantaged communities when it comes to tackling behaviour and reducing unnecessary exclusions? Join our panel of experts at the first Future Terms panel event of this year and be part of the discipline debate.


Jennifer Owen-Adams - Head of Programme Support at Teach First


  • Ann Donaghy - Headteacher at Noel Baker Academy
  • Marie Gentles - Behaviour Advisor and Co-Director of Magic Behaviour Management
  • Gwyn ap Harri - CEO of XP School
  • Matt Taylor – Maths teacher at St Bede’s Comprehensive School and Byron Sixth Form
How can schools support the 'anxious generation'?

This panel aired on Thursday 8 July 2021.

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In classrooms across the country, countless young people are silently struggling with their mental health. And, as a result of the greatest educational upheaval since the Second World War, evidence is indicating that the pandemic has only made this worse.

What role can schools play to support young people through this? And should it even be the responsibility of schools at all?

Join our final Future Terms panel of the year as our expert panellists unpick this crucial topic and dive deeper into the growing crisis of the mental health of the next generation.


Sarah Bibi - PhD Researcher at The University of Manchester and Teach First trustee


  • Theresa Ball - Deputy Headteacher at The Crest Academy
  • Robin Banerjee - Professor of Developmental Psychology at University of Sussex
  • Dr Lesley French - Head of Clinical Help in Schools at Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families
  • Nicola Noble – Co-Headteacher at Surrey Square Primary School
What are the challenges and opportunities of the Early Career Framework?

This panel aired on Thursday 27 May 2021.

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This September’s shake-up of the support given to newly-qualified (early career) teachers will mean big things for schools and trainees alike.

With the induction period being extended from one year to two, in-school mentors will have more responsibilities than ever. Yet, after a year in which the development of new teachers was hugely disrupted, this will inevitably result in challenges.

Speaking to participants who were part of the early roll out of Teach First’s Early Career Framework programme – as well as those involved in its design – we’ll also explore the resources available to support schools and trainees, and how the programme offers a huge opportunity to reinvigorate in-school mentoring.


Faye Craster, Director of Techer Development at Teach First


  • Jacqueline Gilbert - Deputy Headteacher at Park View Community School
  • Haili Hughes - English teacher and mentor at Saddleworth School
  • Jane Phiri - English teacher at Freebrough Academy
  • Sam Twiselton - Director of Sheffield Institute of Education at Sheffield Hallam University
Becoming an anti-racist school

This panel aired on Thursday 29 April 2021.

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Many schools work hard to challenge and eradicate racism. But until all our classrooms and school corridors are truly inclusive and anti-racist, education won’t be fair for all.

This Future Terms panel will look at how schools and teachers can confidently explore ideas about race and racism, as well as discussing how schools can address the everyday experiences of racism that both staff and students might face.


Laura Swiszczowski - Head of Programme Diversity & Inclusion at Teach First


  • Rosemary Campbell-Stephens MBE - Educational Leadership Consultant, Author, Activist and Motivational Speaker
  • Desmond Deehan - CEO / Executive Headteacher at Odyssey Trust for Education
  • Penny Rabiger - Co-founder and Trustee of the BAMEed Network
  • Marcus Shepherd – Principal of The Wells Academy
Making EdTech fair: Is technology boosting social mobility?

This panel aired on Thursday 25 March 2021.

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If COVID-19 has shown us anything, it's that fair and equal access to technology needs to be at the heart of building a fair education for all. But the last 12 months has also shown us that the digital divide is far from being closed.

Join Teach First CEO Russell Hobby and guests for another fascinating Future Terms discussion, as they explore the role of EdTech in closing this chasm. Can it really help to boost social mobility? And how can we ensure fair access to this burgeoning technology?


  • Lisa Barrett - Vice President of Learning, Innovation and Operations at Multiverse
  • Dawn Ferdinand - Headteacher at The Willow Primary School
  • Sir Mark Grundy - CEO of Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust
  • Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP - Member of Parliament for East Hampshire and former Secretary of State for Education
In the eye of the storm: Decision-making during rapid change

This panel aired on Thursday 25 February 2021.

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In the unpredictable, volatile environment we’re all working, how are school leaders making significant decisions? With the backdrop of COVID-19, we’ll be hearing from school leaders who are constantly adapting and responding in the ever-changing landscape of schools. We’ll hear examples of the decisions being made and the approaches used to ensure a purposeful and positive learning environment is maintained, whilst managing risks and maintaining some long-term strategic thinking.

Come and explore the impact, lessons learned and persistent problems in this period of change, plus you’ll be able to join the discussion with your own questions.

Join Chair Matthew Evans, Headteacher at Farmor's School, and guests for this conversation.


  • Suzanne Lewis-Dale - Acting Deputy Headteacher for Teaching and Learning at St Joseph's Catholic Academy
  • Emma Robins - Headteacher at New Silksworth Infant Academy and New Silksworth Junior Academy
  • Olamide Ola-Said - Senior Vice Principal at John Keats Academy
  • Rachel Orr - Development Lead for School Leadership Programmes at Teach First
Integrated services: What belongs within the school gates?

This panel aired on Thursday 28 January 2021.

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As the COVID-19 crisis continues, the critical role schools play in their communities has become clearer for all to see. Beyond providing children with an excellent education, additional responsibilities such as providing meals, crucial safeguarding and parental engagement activities have become a bigger part of many schools’ operations in recent years, especially during lockdowns.

But are schools really well-placed to provide such services? And if they are, what resources will they need to be sustainable?

We'll explore the questions around parent and family services run by schools; their potential benefits as well as risks. Join us as our expert panel assess opportunities within the current policy environment and share their perspectives on the future of integrated school services. 

Join Emilie Sundorph and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang - Director of Lighthouse
  • Emma Bowman - Director of Children's Services at Barnado's
  • Tilly Browne - Primary Headteacher at Reach Academy Feltham
  • Anna Hennell James - CEO of Orwell Multi-Academy Trust


Building thriving schools in the face of disadvantage

This panel aired on Thursday 3 December 2020.

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Every school has its challenges – never more so than right now. But we know that schools in disadvantaged communities face an even steeper uphill challenge to recruit, retain and develop the best teachers when it comes to achieving the greatest outcomes for students.

So what makes a school sustainably successful? Come along to the latest in our Future Terms series to hear more about research carried out by Teach First, which pinpoints the key features woven into successful schools in disadvantaged areas. Our expert panel will unpick what it takes for schools to maintain teacher wellbeing and ensure a fair education for all.

Join Jenny Griffiths, Education Research Specialist at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Katie Ashford - Deputy Headmistress at Michaela Community School
  • Andy Bygrave - Achievement Partner at Teach First
  • Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson - Headteacher at Anderton Park Primary School
  • Kathryn Morgan - Expert Adviser at Teacher Development Trust
Increasing racial diversity in the literature we teach

This panel aired on Tuesday 3 November 2020.

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Did you know, a pupil can finish school having never encountered a single book written by an ethnic minority author? That’s not right. It needs to change. In October this year we launched our report Missing Pages – increasing racial diversity in the literature we teach. It sparked debate and proved that racial representation in literature is a topic that matters to our community.

In this Future Terms episode we’ve invited experts from across the sector to discuss not just why this is a problem – but how we can solve it. Join our online panel event to hear how we can help children to fall in love with literature.

We also recommend you look at our Missing Pages library, filled with book recommendations from our community for more diverse English literature lessons.

Join Lord Jim Knight and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Joanne Benjamin-Lewis - School Partnerships Lead at Teach First
  • Kwame Boateng - Educator at The Black Curriculum
  • Djamila Boothman - English Teacher and Assistant Headteacher at Woodside High School
  • Katy Lewis - Head of English, Drama and Languages at Pearson Edexcel
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the whole school community

These two panels aired on Saturday 26 September 2020.

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This panel of serving school leaders and sector experts will explore and discuss the impact of the school closures and lockdown in 2020. We will find out how pupils and the wider school community have been impacted, and what effect this has had upon returning to school.

We will return to themes explored in our Summer 2020 panels, while helping programme members explore how to support their own school priorities and recovery this new academic year.

Join Bridget Clay, Director School Leadership at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.

Speakers (9.30am - senior leaders & headteachers):

  • Cassie Buchanan - Executive Headteacher, Charles Dickens Primary and CEO, Charter Schools Educational Trust
  • Vicky Counsell - Principal, Evergreen Primary Academy
  • Dennis Simms - Co-Chair, Heads Forward and Education Consultant, Simms Coaching

Speakers (11am - middle leaders):

  • Nathan D'Laryea - Assistant Headteacher, Loreto High School
  • Marie Gentles - Founder, Magic Behaviour Management
  • Lynn Nicholls - Education Consultant, Bright Futures Educational Trust
Building on the home-schooling legacy to revitalise learning

This panel aired on Thursday 2 July 2020.

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Schools and the wider education sector have responded in innovative, flexible ways in the wake of school closures. What have we learnt about how schools can do things differently? And which solutions are worth keeping as schools adapt and re-invent in the long-term?

Join Amy Mitchell, Head of Programme Insights and Digital Learning at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Cassie Buchanan - Executive Headteacher, Charles Dickens Primary and CEO, Charter Schools Educational Trust
  • Daisy Christodoulou - Director of Education at No More Marking
  • Ladi Greenstreet - Head of UKI, Accenture Ventures
  • Matthew Hood - Principal, Oak National Academy
Budgeting for the unknown

This panel aired on Thursday 25 June 2020.

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Many schools will have new financial and staffing challenges once pupils return. How can schools plan for this and adapt their ways of working?

Join Bridget Clay, Director of School Leadership at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Natalie Perera - Executive Director, Education Policy Institute
  • Jonathan Simons - Director and Head of Education Practice, Public First
  • Kim Shubrook - Achievement Partner for Leading Together, Teach First
  • Ed Vainker - Executive Principal and Co-Founder, Reach Academy Feltham
Looking after each other after lockdown

This panel aired on Thursday 18 June 2020.

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The entire nation has experienced a collective trauma. What approaches should schools implement to protect the mental health – and rebuild the resilience – of the whole school community? How can schools prioritise the wellbeing and mental health of staff and pupils?

Join Shelley Gonsalves, Executive Director for Programme Delivery at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Jaz Ampaw-Farr - Speaker and Resilience Ninja
  • Lisa Fathers - Head of Teaching School and Co-Principal, Bright Futures Educational Trust
  • Cornelia Lucey - Psychologist and Positive Leadership Consultant, LIVEWISE
  • Tom Shaw - Senior Manager of Research and Development, Carr Manor Community School
Preparing pupils for their new normal

This panel aired on Thursday 11 June 2020.

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Returning to the routines and expectations of school will be challenging for many pupils, especially for those who will have had little or no structured learning during lockdown. How can we help them to re-establish their routines and what strategies could support the most vulnerable learners? 

Join Graihagh Crawshaw, Director of School Leadership at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Natalie Brookshaw - Principal, Dixons Trinity Chapeltown
  • Marie Gentles - Co-Director, Magic Behaviour Management
  • Jenny Griffiths - Education Research Specialist, Teach First
  • William Thompson - Principal, Brittons Academy
Recovering lost learning for the hardest hit

This panel aired on Thursday 4 June 2020.

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The learning and support lost during school closures will have a longer-lasting impact on the most disadvantaged pupils. This discussion will explore how schools hit hardest by COVID-19 can close the gaps.

Join Vidhu Sood-Nicholls, Director of Fundraising at Teach First, and guests for this roundtable discussion.


  • Pedro De Bruyckere - Postdoctoral Researcher, Leiden University and Educational Scientist, Artevelde University
  • Nathan D’Laryea – Assistant Headteacher, Loreto High School Chorlton
  • Professor Becky Francis - Chief Executive Officer, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
  • Dame Alison Peacock - Chief Executive Officer, The Chartered College of Teaching

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