Early Career Framework: FAQs for ECF induction tutors

These FAQs are aimed at ECF induction tutors on the Early Career Framework (ECF) programme.

Please refer to the sections below to find the information you need. We’ll update and add to this information as the programme progresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of the ECF Lead/ induction tutor?

Schools will appoint an ECF Lead/ induction tutor who is a senior leader in their school.  They will be our point of contact and will be the person responsible for ensuring the Early Career Framework is delivered to a high standard within their school(s). This includes:

  • Timetabling - making sure that ECTs and mentors have the appropriate timetables so they can make the most of the programme.
  • Retention of ECTs and mentors - to provide the right support to retain ECTs and mentors throughout the programme and to track engagement.
  • Selecting mentors - selecting high-quality mentors who have the knowledge, skills and capacity to support ECTs throughout the two-year programme.
  • Engagement – they will make sure their programme members are engaging with the programme. We will keep ECF Leads in the loop if their teachers aren't joining seminars and accessing their resources.

What training and support is given to the ECF Lead?

ECF Leads/ induction tutors will be provided with a full induction. They will also receive a detailed programme guide and programme overview that will help them understand and support the ECF programme in their school.

Return to the Early Career Framework knowledge base.

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