Tackling the attainment gap in GCSE English and maths Our new analysis of the ongoing attainment gap in GCSE English and maths.
Thriving Schools Teach First has published a study of schools defying disadvantage and sustaining success.
Our submission to the Education Committee inquiry into COVID-19 Our submission sets out what we think can be done to overcome the challenges caused by COVID-19.
Annual Report and Accounts: 2018-2019 Teach First's Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 August 2019.
STEMinism Our STEMinism campaign calls for change to address the gender gaps found across STEM careers.
Teach First Gender Pay Gap Report: 2018 Our gender pay gap report shows how well we performed as a non-gender-discriminatory employer in 2018.
Britain at a crossroads Emilie Sundorph Policy Officer, Teach First In England one teacher leaves for every one that joins, while the number of secondary pupils rises.